Friday, April 16, 2010

Adopting from the fostercare system!

I haven't updated this blog in a long time but I just read something that touched my heart. This is a blog post about adopting from the foster care system. It is so well said, I really can't add anything, except please take a moment to read it.
The road God has for each of us to walk is filled with ups and downs, without them we may not learn to lean fully on Him. I think that is what God is teaching me lately, to lean fully on Him. He is sufficient to meet all my needs. This may sound trite, but believe me, it is a lesson I am glad I am learning! These kids have always had a place in my heart. I wonder if I would really have what it takes to lay down my own life, my pride, my whatever and follow Jesus down this road. To lean fully on Him, no matter where He leads. Older child adoption is different than what we have been called to so far...but not out of the question.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Hands and Feet of Jesus!

I am not sure if I have ever said how thankful I am that I have a husband who loves Jesus and is committed to following Him...wherever. This time wherever is the Dominican Republic to work with Haitian refugees who have come over the border for help. The earthquake in Haiti has caused so much death and destruction in a country that was so impoverished to begin with. As we watched the aftermath on TV, both Brian and I knew he had to help. Is this why God has Brian self-employed right now, so he can drop things quickly to go serve where Jesus leads him? I think so! God opened the door for Brian and Aidan to go with the same organization that Aidan went to the Dominican Republic with last summer. We prayerfully considered Aidan's involvement, and feel peaceful about the decision to send him. Aidan has been wanting to go back ever since he left the DR, he really fell in love with the place and the people! We just had no idea it would be so soon. Please pray. They are going as Jesus' hands and feet to a very broken people. The video below is an older one, but one of my favorites! Please pause the music player before you start the video.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We are diving in!

Today I made our first phone call to get Joseph assessed for early intervention services. I realized when I hung up the phone that I have very mixed emotions about this. I want him to get all the services he needs in order to reach his full potential, but part of me wants to pretend like everything is fine(denial runs strong in my family!) It is also a little intimidating to jump into this pool! It is such a big, scary and unknown world...the world of speech therapists, preschools and whatever else. I am confident, however, that God has Joseph and his future in His hands!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Please turn off the music player before playing this video!

I heard this song and I was so moved. I think it perfectly describes the way a place and a people can get inside you. I think this is the way Kenya has gotten inside Brian.

Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help. If you say, "Hey, that's none of my business," will that get you off the hook? Someone is watching you closely, you know— Someone not impressed with weak excuses. Proverbs 24:12 (The Message)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Finnally Forever!

The best day of 2009!
Joseph's adoption day!

It was so great to finally sign the papers that made Joseph a legal member of our family. He has, of course, been a part of our family in our hearts since he was placed with us! What a great day! We had brunch at the Tower Cafe(Where we have eaten to celebrate every adoption!), and then headed off to the courthouse. Brian and I signed papers, we took pictures and whoo-hoo, Joseph is ours FOREVER!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Joseph's Adoption Hearing!

Praise God!!
We have adoption hearing date for Joseph! Although there has been no reason to believe his adoption wouldn't go through, it is always such a relief to finalize the adoption. We all love Joseph so much, and are so glad to finally be his forever family! It is times like these when the goodness of God is simply unquestionable!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A fortune cookie revelation!

"A great pleasure in life is doing what others say you can't."
Last week we decided to get Panda Express and eat dinner watching a movie (the kids love getting to eat dinner at the coffee table!) When we finished our meals, we all opened our fortune cookies and read them to the rest of the family. We always laugh at the silly, sometimes coincidental messages. Usually they say things like, "Good fortune will smile on you Tuesday." We don't put any stock into what they say, we just find them funny, until Brian read Camille's fortune. Sometimes things are too close for comfort! Her fortune read, "A great pleasure in life is doing things others say you can't." That is our little Camille to a tee right now. She takes great pleasure in doing the things Brian and I say she can't. I am sure the quote was meant to be uplifting, but in the context of Camille, it is a clear picture of our human nature. Don't we all want to do things our own way, especially when someone else(or God) tells us not to! So, my solution for Camille has been to plant the seeds of God's Word in her heart and mind. She has recently memorized Colossians 3:20 "You children must always obey your parents, for this is what pleases the Lord." It is good to be reminded that when we do the right thing it pleases the Lord, and it is a better pleasure to please the Lord than to do things our own way! (God always uses my kids to teach me about my own heart!!)